Hyprland with Waybar: Installation and Basic Configuration
Hyprland offers a fresh and lightweight Wayland compositor that transforms your Linux desktop experience. With features like dynamic...
Linux with Chris
Hyprland with Waybar: Installation and Basic Configuration
The 'bat' command: a 'cat' replacement
Eza: A modern, maintained replacement for "ls", written in rust
Converting image formats in Nautilus
Fzf: a command-line fuzzy finder
Exploring the Fish Shell: Installation, Configuration, and Features on Major Linux Distributions
How to remove all the games in vanilla Debian
How to install the latest (non ESR) Firefox on Debian
Using SSH keys to communicate with Gitlab.
Creating a SSH key-pair.
Managing dotfiles with a git bare repository - Part 2
Managing dotfiles with a git bare repository - Part 1
What are dotfiles.
What's a Git bare repository?
The $MANPAGER shell variable.