If you installed Debian by using the any live image, or the network install image and you didn't perform any additional change, you ended up having the Gnome Desktop Environment installed in its full glory, games included.
If you are not a gamer, or if you simply don't like the standard gnome-games installed fear not.
A single terminal line will get rid of the bloat.
Just type:
sudo apt purge iagno lightsoff four-in-a-row gnome-robots pegsolitaire gnome-2048 hitori gnome-klotski gnome-mines gnome-mahjongg gnome-sudoku quadrapassel swell-foop gnome-tetravex gnome-taquin aisleriot gnome-chess five-or-more gnome-nibbles tali ; sudo apt autoremove
and voilà, all the Gnome default games will be uninstalled and their configuration files purged.