Hyprland with Waybar: Installation and Basic ConfigurationHyprland offers a fresh and lightweight Wayland compositor that transforms your Linux desktop experience. With features like dynamic...
The 'bat' command: a 'cat' replacementThe `bat` command is a modern replacement for the traditional `cat` command in Unix-like operating systems, offering users an enhanced...
Eza: A modern, maintained replacement for "ls", written in rustEza is a modern, maintained replacement for the venerable file-listing command-line program " ls" that ships with Unix and Linux...
Converting image formats in NautilusNautilus is the GNOME file-manager a.k.a. "Files" In this post I will show you how to use the Image Converter Script in Nautilus to...
Fzf: a command-line fuzzy finderThe terminal is essential for every Linux user. Enhancing its functionality can lead to a more efficient workflow. One significant...
Exploring the Fish Shell: Installation, Configuration, and Features on Major Linux DistributionsThe Fish shell, or " F riendly I nteractive SH ell," is designed for maximum user-friendliness, making it an excellent choice for anyone...